
Vidal Guelen Sr.

When it comes to health and fitness, I believe in a program that prioritizes sustainability above all else. While there are many enticing options like "12-week programs, 1-month challenges, 90-day transformations," have you ever considered what comes next after completing such programs? I'm here so that you no longer need to search for those quick-fix programs. I do not believe in the "one size fits all" approach. When working with clients, I prefer to build from the ground up so that not only do they level up their physiques, but they learn what their bodies need day in and day out. I firmly believe that the greatest challenge in our lives is mental. My goal is to help you develop a level of mental strength that will keep you composed and resilient in the face of life's obstacles. A leader in any household must not only strive to be the healthiest version of themselves physically but also mentally. Taking care of ourselves both physically and mentally not only enhances our quality of life, but also adds years to our lives and imparts a generational wealth of knowledge to our children that money can't buy. I have overcome years of obesity, depression, anxiety, binge eating, overeating, substance abuse, low self-esteem, and self-sabotage. With over 6 years of experience, I have dedicated countless hours to research and have studied with NASM to gain expertise in body recomposition, nutrition, exercise methods, and mental strengthening routines. My aim is not only to guide you through a phase of fat loss or muscle building, but also to help you establish a sustainable healthy lifestyle.

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Vidal Guelen Sr.
Vidal Guelen Sr.
Vidal Guelen Sr.